1.    The author - Paul (1:1; 3:1)

A.   The epistle is written after the usual Pauline pattern, beginning with greetings and thanksgiving, leading on to doctrinal discussion, and concluding with practical exhortations and personal matters.

B.   The language is that of Paul. Many words and phrases used in Ephesians are to be noted in his other letters.

2.    The date of writing - 60-63 A.D.

A.   Written approximately ten years after the church was founded

B.   Written while Paul was in prison

1)    It is known as a “prison epistle”.

2)    Other epistles written during the same imprisonment are: Philippians, Colossians and Philemon, and possibly one other which is not now extant. (Col. 4:16)


KEY PHRASE - “In heavenly places” or “in the heavenlies” (1:3, 20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12) and “in Christ” (approximately 35 times)

KEY VERSES - 1:22,23; 5:30; 4:4-6

THEME - The Church as the Body of Christ

HISTORY OF THE CHURCH (Acts 18:19-19:41)

1.    The church at Ephesus was located in one of the great cities of the Roman Empire.

A.   Ephesus was the center of worship of the goddess Diana. (Acts 19:23-41)

B.   That for which the city was most noted was its Temple of Diana. (It was 425’ long, 220’ wide and had 127 pillars, each 60’ high. It is regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world.)

C.   It was in the midst of this pagan and idolatrous culture that the church was formed.


2.    The beginning

At the close of Paul’s second missionary journey he spent a weekend with Aquilla and Priscilla, but had to leave in order to keep a vow (Acts 18:18-20). On his third missionary journey he returned to Ephesus where he spent three years in the establishment of the church.


3.    The church was born amidst

A.   Spiritual perplexity (Acts 19:1-7)

1)    When Paul came to Ephesus he found some disciples of a pre-Christian faith.

2)    The had been baptized with John’s baptism, but knew nothing about the baptism of the Holy Spirit that comes when one receives Christ.

B.   Severe persecution (Acts 19:23-41)

1)    By spiritual counterfeits (Acts 19:13)

2)    By the violence of the worshippers of Diana (Acts 19:28-43)

“Their fury knew no bounds and was as violent as is the rage of men today who are compelled to give up the liquor business, or gambling, or any other form of graft or greed that fattens on the weaknesses of human nature.” --A. T. Robertson




4.    The church’s spread

A.   Started in a school-house (Acts 19:9)

B.   Spread far beyond the city limits of Ephesus (Acts 19:10)

C.   The church played a large role in the evangelization of Asia Minor. (Acts 19:10)


5.    Became one of the most outstanding churches of its day

A.   30 years after the epistle to the Ephesians was written, the church was in a state of decline. (Rev. 2:4)

B.   There is no trace of the church left today.



1.    The book has been called “The Epistle of the Unities”.

A.   Past, present and future in one eternity

B.   Father, Son and Spirit - three persons in one Godhead

C.   Jews and Gentiles one in Christ

D.   Plea for unity in the local church


2.    Seeks to promote unity within the local church (4:1-6) because there were those who believed the church should be divided into

A.   A Jewish church

B.   A Gentile church


3.    “Paul spent his life teaching Gentiles that they could be Christians without becoming Jewish proselytes. This was very displeasing to the Jews generally, for they thought of the Mosaic Law as binding upon all, and were bitterly prejudiced against uncircumcised Gentiles who presumed to call themselves disciples for the Jewish Messiah.” --Halley



 I.     DOCTRINAL (1:3-3:21)

A.   The doctrine of salvation (1:3-2:10)

1.    How it comes (vs. 4-7)

a.    Election (v. 4)

b.    Predestination (v. 5)

c.    Redemption (v. 7)

d.    Forgiveness (v. 7)

2.    What it brings (vs. 8-23)

a.    Intelligence (vs. 8-10)

b.    Inheritance (vs. 11-12)

c.    Sealing (vs. 13-14)

d.    Assurance (vs. 15-18)

e.    Power (vs. 19-23)

3.    What it does (2:1-22)

a.    Quickens the lost (vs. 1-5)

b.    Changes our position (vs. 6-10)

c.    Includes the Gentiles (vs. 11-13)

d.    Breaks down barriers (vs. 14-22)

B.   The doctrine of the church (3:1-21)

1.    The revelation of the church - mystery (vs. 1-6)

2.    The responsibility of the church (vs. 7-13)

3.    The resources of the church (vs. 14-21)


II.  PRACTICAL (4:1-6:20)

A.   How to live in the church (4:1-5:21)

1.    In order to produce unity (4:1-16)

a.    Persuasion to unity (vs. 1-3)

b.    Prescription for unity (vs. 4-6)

c.    Provision for unity (vs. 7-12)

d.    Perfection of unity (vs. 13-16)

B.   How to live with yourself (4:17-24)

1.    By a different work (4:17)

2.    By putting off the old man (4:22)

3.    By putting on the new man (4:24)

C.   How to live with others (4:25-6:10)

1.    By victory over attitudes (4:25-32)

2.    By victory over filthiness (5:1-21)

3.    By victory in marriage (5:22-33)

4.    By victory in the home (6:1-4)

5.    By victory in the workplace (6:5-10)

D.   How to live as a warrior (6:11-20)


III.   CONCLUSION (6:21-24)