Chapter 19

"The King Has Come"


            1. The chapter contains two scenes

                        a. One heavenly

                        b. One earthly

            2. The one in heaven is of joy; the earthly is one of judgment.

3. Chapter 19 "marks a dramatic change in the tone of Revelation. The destruction of Babylon, the capital of the Beast's kingdom marks the end of the Great Trib- ulation. The sombre gives way to song. The transfer is from darkness to light, from black to white, from dreary days of judgment to bright days of blessing. This chap- ter makes a definite bifurcation in Revelation, and ushers in the greatest event for this earth--the Second Coming of Christ. It is the bridge between the Great Tribulation and the Millennium." (McGee)


            A. The Praise of Redemption

                        1. Sung by "a great multitude in heaven" (NASB)

a. The 24 elders, the church saints who have been raptured, the myriads of angels, and the trib- ulation saints (cf. Rev. 5:11-14; 7:9-12)

b. Since this passage of praise includes the tribulation saints, it appears that their rapture will occur after the destruction of Babylon and prior to Christ's return to take up His reign.

                        2. The song they sing will be of

                                    a. Salvation

                                                1) Here the term signifies deliverance.

                                                2) Deliverance from the earth's bondage (Rom. 8:18-23)

                                                3) It is the completion of earth's salvation. (cf. Heb. 9:28)

                                    b. Glory - praise for God's moral justice in righteous judgment

                                    c. Honor - not found in most Greek texts

d. Power - as displayed in His execution of judgment on the harlot, Babylon--the world system

            B. The Praise of Rejoicing (vs.2-5)

1. For the long-awaited avenging of the persecution and martyrdom of the saints (v.2)

2. For the fact that those followers of the Babylonian system are once judged forever (v.3). "This cannot refer to the city itself, but will be fulfilled by the perpetual judgment of the people who engaged in her wicked deeds." (Walvoord)

                        3. For the fact that the judgment is certain, thus "Amen". (v.4)

4. For the fact that "the kingdom has now come, and kingly power is assumed. What a relief to creation, burdened with 6,000 years of sin and sorrow!" (Scott) Cf. II Sam. 7:16


            A. The Scene is Heavenly (cf. vs.1,6)

1. News of a wedding to come always creates excitement -- so on earth; much more in heaven.

                        2. Heaven awaits the marriage ceremony of the Bride and the Lamb.

3. The great wedding has been foretold. (II Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:25; Mt. 22:1-14; 25:1-13)

B. The Scenario of the Wedding (To understand the marriage of the Lamb, it is helpful to know the customs of the Middle Eastern wedding.)

                        1. First, the betrothal

a. A marriage by contract between the fathers which only a bill of divorcement could annul (Mt. 1:18,19)

                                    b. Our relationship to Christ is described in the same terms. (II Cor. 11:2)

                                                1) Espoused = betrothed

2) The Church, The Bride, is in a dissoluable relationship with Christ

3) Our betrothal took place from eternity past - the Father choosing those He will betroth to His Son. (Eph. 1:4)

c. Because we have been betrothed to Christ, we look eagerly for His coming that the wedding might be consummated. (Titus 2:13)

                        2. Second, the presentation

                                    a. The Bride is sent for by the groom's servant. (cf. Gen. 24:1,2)

                                    b. The ceremony

1) The Groom will go to the house of the Bride and bring her by translation and resurrection into His home. (I Thess. 4:13-18; cf. Gen. 24:63)

2) The Bride's hand placed in the hand of the Groom - the Heavenly Father will one day fulfill the terms of the contract by presenting the Church to Christ as His Bride. (Eph. 5:27; Jude 24)

                                                3) The Bride, as presented by her Father, is described

                                                            a) In total purity (Eph. 5:27; II Cor. 11:2)

                                                            b) Clothed in His righteousness (II Cor. 5:21)

c) Clothed with righteousnesses (plural in Greek, signifying righteous acts) Rev. 19:8

4) When the Bride is presented to the Son, He will be completely satisfied with her. (cf. S. of S. 4:7; Gen. 24:67)

3. Thirdly, the marriage supper or wedding reception

                                    a. At the supper, the groom gathers all his friends to introduce her.

                                                1) Probably all the saints of the O.T. (cf. Jn. 3:29)

2) Couldn't be the church saints -- they would not be summoned to attend their own reception.

b. The purpose of the wedding feast was to give honor to the Groom. (Rev. 19:7)

                                    c. The length of the wedding feast

                                                1) Depended on the economic status of the father

2) In the case of the marriage supper of the Lamb, cost is no object! (cf. Psa. 50:10; Haggai 2:8)

                                                3) It will last all through the tribulation - seven years.

                                    d. The place of the marriage supper

                                                1) The marriage takes place in heaven.

                                                2) The feast takes place in heaven.

                        4. The order of events are as follows:

                                    a. The betrothal is made on earth.

                                    b. The presentation is made in heaven.

                                    c. The marriage feast will take place in heaven during the tribulation.

                                    d. The honeymoon will last throughout the Millennium.


            A. The Coming of Christ (v.11)

                        1. The tribulation has run its course.

                        2. The final conflict of Armaggedon is about to occur.

                        3. The advent (vs.11-13)

                                    a. "Heaven opened"

                                                1) Rev. 4:1 marks His coming FOR His saints at the rapture.

2) Rev. 19:11 marks His coming WITH His saints at His revelation.

b. He comes now to bring final judgment and to establish His righteous rule. (cf. Zech. 14:3,4; Mt. 24:27-31)

            B. The Character of Christ (vs.11-13)

                        1. "Faithful and True" (v.11) - see Rev. 1:5; 3:7 notes

                        2. Eyes as a flame and many crowns (v.12) Rev. 1:14;2:18

                        3. An unknown - a name as yet unrevealed (v.12)

4. "Vesture dipped in blood" (v.13) - anticipating the bloodshed that was still to come (cf. Rev. 14:20; Isa. 63:2,3)

                        5. "The Word of God"

                                    a. The Creator (John 1:1-3)

b. The Judge of man. All men are to be judged on the basis of the Word of God.

            C. The Conquest of Christ (vs. 14,15)

                        1. His army (v.14)

                                    a. These are the soldier-saints whom He took to heaven.

b. These armies come back with Him for the purpose of fulfilling His judgment at Armageddon. (Jude 14,15)

c. They are clothed in absolute purity; free from all defilement fit for those who will wage a righteous battle against all that is unrighteous.

                        2. His armament (v.15)

                                    a. The power of His word

                                                1) It brought forth the creation. (Gen. 1,2)

                                                2) It rules nature. (Mk. 4:39)

                                                3) It raises the dead. (Jn. 11:43)

                                                4) It will defeat His foes.

b. Eventhough His armies come with Him, it seems as though He alone engages in the conflict. Note the word "he" is used three times in the verse and "him" once. (cf. Psa. 2:6-9)

            D. The Crowning of Christ (v.16) - AT LAST!


            A. The Feast of the Dead (vs.17-19)

                        1. The invitation to the supper

                                    a. It occurs prior to the last battle.

b. It is as if the vultures and other unclean carrion birds are circling around the dying corpses of mankind prior to their death.

                                    c. Translation: "Come, assemble for the great supper of God." (cf. v.21)

                        2. The initiators of the slaughter (vs.18,19)

a. No war was or will be started by Christ. They are always initiated by sinful, power-mad men.

                                    b. This war will begin as a result of their wicked unbelief.

                                    c. The perpetrators - They "make war against Him." (v.19)

                                                1) The Beast

                                                2) The Kings of the earth, including the USA, if it's still here.

3) The armies - the followers of the kings who receive their orders from the Beast

                        3. The issue of the slaughter (v.18)

                                    a. ALL who oppose Christ will be slain of every caste of men.

b. It will require the first seven months of the Millennium to rid the Land of the pollution caused by death. (Ezek. 39:11,12; Lev. 11:31-33)

            B. The Fall of the Deceivers (vs. 20,21)

                        1. The rulers (v.20)

                                    a. The Beast

                                    b. The False Prophet

                                    c. Those that follow them (vs.20,21)

                        2. The retribution (v.20)

                                    a. All are cast into the "lake of fire which burns with brimstone." (Gr.)

                                    b. They are "cast alive" into their judgment.

                                    c. 1,000 years later, they are still there. (Rev. 20:10)

                                    d. Throughout all eternity they will be there. (Rev. 20:10)