Chapter 20

"The Final Judgment"


1. The subject of the chapter deals with the period of the 1,000 years after the close of the tribulation and the second coming of Christ.

            2. It deals with events involved in the Millennium.

            3. There are three schools of interpretation regarding the Millennium:

                        A. Postmillennialism - teaches that

                                    1) Christ will return at the conclusion of the 1,000 years.

                                    2) It does not deny a Millennium.

3) There is no need for the personal reign of Christ because the world will get progressively better through the efforts of the church until it produces the "golden age."

                        B. Amillennialism - teaches that

                                    1) Christ will literally come again.

2) The blessings of the kingdom find their fulfillment in Christ's reign over the church.

                                    3) Teaches that it refers to Christ's reign over the saints in heaven.

                                    4) It spiritualizes any text that does not seem to agree with its position.

5) It is inclusive: the position held by Roman Catholicism, most Lutherans, many Southern Baptists and liberal protestantism.

                                    6) Christ begins His reign when He enters the heart.

                        C. Premillennialism - teaches that

                                    1) Christ will return to earth literally before the age begins.

2) Christ will institute a kingdom that will continue on earth for 1,000 years.

3) It takes a literal view of the interpretation of Scripture. (Cf. Jer. 23:5,6; Zech. 14:9; Psa. 96:12,13; Mal. 3:1-4; Rev. 20:1-7 where "1,000 years" is mentioned six times in seven verses.)

4. Besides the blessedness that will be experienced during Christ's reign, there are other events that will take place in the area of final judgment.


            A. Satan's Prison (vs. 1-3a)

1. His power --Is finally weakened; it is an ordinary angel, not Michael, who binds him. (Cf. Ezek.28:19 "All who know you among the peoples are appalled at you; you have become terrified and you will be no more." NASB)

                        2. His prison-house

                                    a. "Bottomless pit" is literally "the abyss."

                                    b. Cf. 9:1,2 - "the long shaft of the abyss"

c. This is not his final imprisonment; the abyss is different from "the lake of fire." (v. 10)

                        3. His predestined confinement (vs.1,3)

a. He is bound in chains (cf. Mk. 5:3; Acts 12:7; 28:20; II Tim. 1:16 where the same word is used.)

                                    b. His prison cell is sealed.

                                                1) Daniel's lions' den was sealed, but he came forth. (Dan. 6:17)

2) Christ's tomb was sealed, but He came forth. (Mt. 27:66) 3) Satan's prison is sealed, but he will be help- less to overcome it.

c. "The fact is that the only period in all human history in which Satan will not execute his work of deception will be the thousand years in which Christ will reign." (Walvoord)

            B. Satan's Parole (3b)

                        1. The duration of Satan's imprisonment is 1,000 years.

2. Why is he released?

                                    a. God has a further use for him at the end of the 1,000 years.

b. "The fact that he must be loosed 'for a little time' after the 1,000 years should give us no surprise--for God would give the human race a final chance after Christ's reign, to choose! One thousand years with Christ and His saints over them in peace; then the decision: will they have this Man to rule over them? or will they choose the great enemy again?" (Newell)

1) The population of the earth will be greatly increased when countless children are born and death and sickness become a rarity. (Isa. 65:19-25)

2) Amongst the Millennial multitudes Satan will find a ready following.

                                                3) They must choose life or death.


            A. The Reputation of the Saints

                        1. Martyred for their faithfulness to the Lord (v.4)

                        2. Had not bowed the knee to the Beast (v.4)

            B. The Resurrection of the Saints (vs. 4,5)

                        1. The "first resurrection" takes place in different stages:

                                    a. Of the O.T. saints at Christ's resurrection (Mt. 27:53)

                                    b. Of the N.T. saints at the close of the church age (I Thess. 4:13-18)

c. Of the tribulation saints at the close of that period (cf. Dan. 12:2; Hos. 13:14; Rev. 20:4: "They came to life and reigned with Christ." NASB)

                                    d. It is a resurrection to life and blessedness. (v.6)

                        2. The "second" resurrection (v.5 implied)

                                    a. Takes place at the close of the Millennium

                                    b. Involves the unbelievers of all ages

                                    c. Its end is eternal damnation - "second death"

                                                1) First death is physical

                                                2) Second death is spiritual

3. 1,000 years separate the two resurrections referred to here; that is of the tribulation saints and that of the wicked dead.

            C. The Reign of the Saints (v.6)


            A. Satan's Release (v.7)

            B. Satan's Rebellion (v.8)

                        1. His deception (v.8)

a. "Satan will come forth embittered by his forced confinement to vent his anger on the people of God, a refutation of the claim that the miseries of perdition will lead to repentance. Satan will be the same malignant being after his 1,000 years of confinement that he was before. His hatred against God and His people will be unquenched." (Larkin)

b. Many of the multitudes born during the Millennium who are not believers will follow him as "the god of this world." (II Cor. 4:4; 11:14)

                        2. His demonstration

                                    a. One last war against God and His people

                                    b. Called the battle of "Gog and Magog" (Contr. Ezek. 38:1-3)

                                                1) Same names, but different battles

2) Probably called this because the battle of the same name (Gog and Magog) in Ezek. 38 was

                                                            a) Satanically inspired

                                                            b) Supernaturally concluded

                                    c. The nations of all the earth are involved once again. (vs.8,9)

                                                1) "Four quarters of the earth"

                                                2) "Number of whom is as the sand of the sea"

                        3. His defeat (v.9)

                                    a) Consumed by the judgment of God

b) As in the case of Ezekiel's Gog and Magog, the defeat is caused solely by the Lord. (Ezek. 39:1-5)


            A. Satan's Consummation --Cast into the lake of fire

            B. Satan's Cohorts --The Beast and the False Prophet are already there-19:20

            C. Satan's Condemnation

                        1. An eternal hell

2. He spent all of time trying to usurp the place of God; now he will spend all eternity suffering for it. (cf. Isa 14:12-15)


            A. The Throne of Judgment (v.11)

                        1. The final judgment

                        2. Takes place after the end of the Millennium (cf. v.5)

                        3. Who will be included?

                                    a. Fallen angels (II Pet. 2:4; Jude 6)

                                    b. The unsaved dead (vs.12,13)

                                    c. Those whose names are not in the book of life (v.15)

4. Believers will stand before the Judgment (reward) Seat of Christ, but not before the Great White Throne! (Rom. 14:10; II Cor. 5:10; I Cor. 4:1-5; I Cor. 3:12- 15)

            B. The Trial of the Judged (vs. 12,13)

1. The trial is not to see if these are saved or not; that has already been determined.

                        2. This is a judgment based on the evil works of those who are rejectors.

3. The degrees of their punishment will be meted out on the basis of their works and spiritual knowledge. (Cf. Luke 12:47,48; Jn. 15:22; I Tim. 1:13)

                        4. A judgment based on the list of names in the book of life (v.15)

a. "All names found there in that day, will have been written before that day. There is no record of anyone's name being written into the Book of Life upon that day, but rather the opposite: 'If any man was not found written.' How overwhelmingly solemn is this!" (Newell)

b. "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold NOW is the day of salvation." (II Cor. 6:2)

                                    c. There will be no last-minute conversions at the Great White Throne.