1.    Zechariah, the Prophet

A.   His name means “The Lord remembers” and this is seen throughout the book.

B.   He appears to have been among the captives who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel, like Haggai.

C.   He was a co-laborer with Haggai, beginning his work two months later and continuing into the second year following him.


2.    The conditions of the times were the same as those seen in the book of Haggai.


3.    The book of Zechariah is a book of encouragement to Israel:

A.   That God will yet bring peace and prosperity to Jerusalem.

B.   That this blessing will come through trouble, but it will come.

C.   There was a great work to be done in rebuilding.

1)    The people could not do the task in their own strength.

2)    The Lord would give His presence, blessing, strength, and would cause the work to culminate in great victory when the people walk with Him.

D.   There was discouragement among the remnant because the predictions of Isaiah and Jeremiah had not materialized. Zechariah had to show that God’s promises were not forgotten, though they might indeed be postponed.


A BOOK OF VISIONS---To Zechariah are revealed eight visions which portray the future and glory of Israel.

1.    The Angelic Horsemen: a picture of Israel today, outcast, but not forgotten (1:7-17)

A.   The nations are at rest. (v. 11) Speaks of the carelessness of the Gentiles toward the fate of Judah; they do not come to her aid. (Today’s condition)

B.   God Himself would come to the aid of Jerusalem. (vs. 13, 14)


2.    The Four Horns and Four Artisans (1:18-21)

A.   Horns: the nations which used their might to scatter Israel to the four corners of the earth.

B.   Artisans: other nations would arise as instruments of God’s judgment upon the nations that oppressed Israel. It may also refer to the four judgments of Rev.6:1-8. (cf. Ezek. 14:21)


3.    The Measuring Line (ch. 2)

A.   Jerusalem would be enlarged of the Lord. (vs. 2, 4, 5)

B.   Jerusalem would be the center of divine government. (v. 12)


4.    The Cleansing of the High Priest (ch. 3)

A.   Joshua stands as a representative of Judah.

B.   Judah is to be cleansed in preparation for the Kingdom. (v. 4)

C.   Judah’s cleansing is achieved through the Branch. (v. 8)


5.    The Candlesticks and Olive Trees (ch. 4)

A.   Israel is shown as God’s future lightbearer.

B.   The olive trees are Joshua and Zerubbabel, the prototypes of Israel’s future witness.




6.    The Flying Scroll (5:1-4)

A.   The scroll is symbolic of the Written Word.

B.   The vision is a rebuke of sin.

C.   It is a plea to walk before the Lord in holiness.


7.    The Woman and The Ephah (5:5-11)

A.   The ephah, the largest measure in Hebrew dry weights, signifies the vast accumulation of her sins.

B.   God would cleanse the land from sin and transfer those sins back to the land of Babylon.


8.    The Four Chariots (6:1-8)

A.   Describes the vengeance of the Lord upon the nations.

B.   The vengeance on the nations will give the land rest.


A BOOK OF MESSIANIC PROPHECY---Zechariah foretells of the Savior more than any other prophet except Isaiah.

  1.   Christ, the Branch (3:8)


  2.   Christ, the Servant (3:8)


  3.   Christ’s entry into Jerusalem on a colt (9:9)


  4.   Christ, the Good Shepherd (9:16; 11:11)


  5.   Christ, the smitten Shepherd (13:7)


  6.   Christ betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (11:12, 13)


  7.   Christ’s hands pierced (12:10)


  8.   Christ wounded in the house of His friends (13:6)


  9.   Christ’s coming on the Mount of Olives (14:3-8)


10.  Christ’s coming and coronation (14)



1.    The first eight chapters have a particular and immediate reference to the Jewish remnant that had come back into the land to rebuild the temple.


2.    The last six chapters have a general and far-reaching reference to Israel as a whole, to the ultimate future, and to the Gentile nations.




A.   The voice of Zechariah (1:1-6)

B.   The visions of Zechariah (1:7-6:15)



A.   The question concerning fasts asked (7:1-3)

B.   The question concerning fasts argued (7:4-14)

C.   The question concerning fasts answered (8:1-23)

1.    Exile will give place to exaltation (8:1-17)

2.    Fasting will give place to feasting (8:18-23)



A.   The coming of the King (9)

B.   The call of the King (10)

C.   The crucifixion of the King (11)

D.   The curse of the King (12)

E.   The compassion of the King (13)

F.    The coronation of the King (14)


                                                                                                     ---Exploring the Scriptures;

                                                                                                         John Phillips, edited